Hope… and giving permission to die…

Tuesday, December 5th: Hope… This is the first week in Advent and we have lighted the first candle, the candle of Hope. Hope focuses not on what is seen, but what lasts and what comes last. What lasts and comes last can only be known through faith. As we consider Christmas birth, the incarnation of Jesus Christ, place your hope, …

Nurturing the Eternal Life Within Us…

Monday, December 4th The knowledge that Jesus came to dress our mortal bodies with immortality must help us develop an inner desire to be born to a new eternal life with him and encourage us to find ways to prepare for it. It is important to nurture constantly the life of the Spirit of Jesus – which is the eternal …

First Sunday in Advent: Keep Awake…

You do not know when the master of the house will come, in the evening, or at midnight, or at cockcrow or at dawn, or else he may find you asleep when he comes suddenly. And what I say to you I say to all: Keep awake. -Mark 13:35-37 Keep Awake! Be alert, be alert, so that you will be …

The Dilemma of Life…

Saturday, December 2nd: Do we desire to be with Christ in the resurrection? It seems that most of us are not waiting for this new life but instead are doing everything possible to prolong our mortal lives. Still, as we grow more deeply into the spiritual life – the life in communion with our risen Lord – we gradually get …

Meeting the Risen Christ…

Friday, December 1rst: When Jesus appeared to his disciples after his resurrection, he convinced them that he was not a ghost but the same one that they had known as their teacher and friend. To his frightened and doubtful friends he said: “See by my hands and my feet that it is I myself. Touch me and see for yourselves” …