• Choir in Sanctuary
  • Benediction
  • Worship in Mexico

Worship with Us

We are a congregation of faith, promoting God’s love for all. Our 11:00 Sunday Service is a traditional worship service. The order of worship will be provided in the bulletin which you will receive as you enter the church sanctuary. An asterisk (*) indicates when it is appropriate to stand. The volunteers who greet you at the entrance can answer any questions you might have.

Appropriate dress is your choice. You will find those in suits and ties as well as those who prefer a more casual dress. It doesn’t matter. All are welcome.

The Raeford Presbyterian Church provides an environment, programs and activities by which children and youth have the opportunity to experience the love of Jesus Christ. The nursery is located behind the sanctuary and is available for infants and children through two years old. "Children’s Church” is available for children three years old through fifth grade. They are dismissed from worship following the “Doxology” for Bible lessons, crafts, and catechism. Children also have the opportunity to participate in confirmation and catechism classes.

Vacation Bible School is a week of fun-filled, age appropriate activities that will teach your child the early lessons about God. For more information, contact the church office at (910) 875-2101 or Janet Plummer at (910) 875-3912.

A bathroom is available through the door on the right side of the sanctuary, through the parlor. We hope you will find Raeford Presbyterian Church a place you would like to worship God, grow in faith and share your talents. If you have questions or would like to find out more about our church, please feel free to ask the minister at the end of the service or call the church office at 875-2101.

What to Expect in Worship

As you enter the church, an usher will hand you a bulletin. This has the general order of service, the hymn numbers, Scripture readings and announcements about upcoming events. There will be a "*" indicating that this is a time for the congregation to stand, if able. We invite you to recognize the holiness of God's sanctuary and God's special presence here. The Tower Bell, Prelude and Choral Call to Worship are meant to lead you into a focused time of worship on God where we tune out the distractions of the outside world. Worship is a time to commune with the God who made and loves you!

We partake in Communion on a quarterly basis and we believe that we are all saved by grace and therefore, invite all to the Table, as it belongs to God and no particular denomination. We all take the bread, hold it, then eat together at the Pastor's leading. The juice is offered as wine or non-fermented (white is regular juice and dark is wine). Take and drink the juice as served.


The Raeford Presbyterian Church welcomes all who want to become a part of our church family. Church membership is a very serious decision and a very simple process.

If you are interested in finding out more about our church and becoming a member, contact the church office at 910-875-2101. Someone will contact you and help you as you move forward in your journey.

Membership in the Presbyterian Church USA is achieved by one of the three ways:

  • Profession of faith in Jesus Christ
  • Reaffirmation of faith
  • Transfer of church letter if you are currently a member of another Presbyterian church

The Session meets with all individuals who wish to join the church prior to being presented to the congregation for acceptance and congratulations. Membership is open to all who affirm their faith in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior.

If you are ready to take the next step, please contact the church office at 910-875-2101.